During Core - DPPOS
DPP Lifestyle Materials for Sessions 1-16 -- Lifestyle Coach Materials and Optional Participant Handouts
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All Session 16 Lifestyle Materials for Coach (English only) | PDF: 17.3MB/556 pgs | |
Section | Description | File for Download |
Introduction |
| PDF: (279KB/16 pgs) |
| Overview |
Section 1: | Protocol-Based Intervention | |
1.1 | Protocol-Based Intervention |
Section 2: | The DPP Lifestyle Intervention Goals | |
2.1. | Weight Goal |
2.1.1. | Rationale for the Weight Goal |
2.1.2. | Temporary Suspensions of Efforts to Achieve Weight Goal |
2.2. | Physical Activity Goal |
2.2.1. | Rationale for the Physical Activity Goal |
2.2.2. | Adjustments to the Physical Activity Goal |
Section 3: | Role and Training of the DPP Intervention Staff | |
3.1. | Case Managers |
3.2. | Home Health Aides and Participant Peers |
3.3. | Local Experts |
3.4. | Outside Referrals |
3.5 | Local Supervision and Support of Lifestyle Staff |
3.6 | Recommended Location for Conducting Lifestyle Sessions |
Section 4: | Frequency of Contact with Lifestyle Participants and Required Staff | |
4.1. | Frequency of Contact with Lifestyle Participants and Required Staff |
Section 5: | Overview of Strategies to Achieve the Weight Loss Goal | |
5.1. | Achieving the Weight Loss Goal |
5.2. | Self-Monitoring Weight |
5.3. | Setting a Fat Intake Goal |
5.4. | Setting a Calorie Goal |
5.5. | Self-Monitoring Fat and/or Calorie Intake During the Core Curriculum |
5.5.1. | Guidelines for Individualizing the Frequency or Method of Self-Monitoring During the Core Curriculum |
5.6. | Self-Monitoring Fat and/or Calorie Intake During Maintenance |
Section 6: | Overview of Strategies to Achieve the Physical Activity Goal | |
6.1. | Achieving the Physical Activity Goal |
6.2. | Self-monitoring of Physical Activity |
6.3. | Definition and Examples of Moderate Physical Activities |
6.4. | Supervised Activity Sessions |
6.4.1 | General Guidelines |
6.4.2 | Models of Supervised Activity Sessions |
Section 7: | Guidelines for Implementing the DPP Lifestyle Intervention | |
7.1. | Key Principles |
7.2. | Core Curriculum |
7.2.1. | Type and Frequency of Contact During the Core Curriculum |
7.2.2. | Role of the DPP Staff |
7.2.3. | Location of Core Curriculum Sessions |
7.2.4. | Maintaining the Basic Content and Sequence of Core Curriculum Sessions |
7.2.5. | Guidelines for Tailoring the Presentation of the Core Curriculum Sessions |
7.2.6. | Guidelines for Using the Participant Work Sheets |
7.2.7. | Use of Supplemental Materials and Tools of Presentation During the Core Curriculum |
7.2.8. | General Guidelines for Conducting a Core Curriculum Session |
7.3 | Maintenance |
Appendix A: | Scripts for Core Curriculum Sessions | |
Session 1A: | Welcome to the Lifestyle Balance Program |
Session 1B: | Getting Started Being Active |
Session 1B: | Getting Started Losing Weight |
Session 2 or 5: | Move Those Muscles |
Session 3 or 6: | Being Active: A Way of Life |
Session 4 or 2: | Be a Fat Detective |
Session 5 or 3: | Three Ways to Eat Less Fat |
Session 6 or 4: | Healthy Eating |
Session 7 or 8: | Take Charge of What's Around You |
Session 8 or 7: | Tip the Calorie Balance |
Session 9: | Problem Solving |
Session 10: | Four Keys to Healthy Eating Out |
Session 11: | Talk Back to Negative Thoughts |
Session 12: | The Slippery Slope of Lifestyle Change |
Session 13: | Jump Start Your Activity Plan |
Session 14: | Make Social Cues Work for You |
Session 15: | You Can Manage Stress |
Session 16: | Ways to Stay Motivated |
Appendix B: | The Lifestyle Balance Q & A Guide | |
Appendix D: | Professional Resources | |
D.1. | Recommended Readings for Lifestyle Coaches |
D.2. | Lower-Fat Cookbooks |
D.3. | Session Prompts and Notes (Session 1-16) |
D.4. | Lifestyle Balance Update Form (Core) |
D.5. | Checklist for Lifestyle Balance Sessions |
D.7. | How Am I Doing? Graph for Weight |
D.8. | How Am I Doing? Graphs for Activity (regular and advanced) |
D.9. | Tool Box Quick Reference |
D.10. | Attendance at Supervised Activity Sessions and Group Sessions |
Appendix E: | Optional Participant Materials | |
E.1. | Behavioral Topics |
| Self-Monitoring |
SM1 | How to Count the Grams of Fat in Recipes |
SM2 | Quick Track |
SM3 | Count 100 Cards |
SM4 | Personal Fat Counter |
SM5 | Lifestyle Balance Eating Plans |
SM6 | DPP Lifestyle Balance Calendar |
SM7 | Why Weigh Myself? |
SM8 | Blueprints for Weight Loss |
| Motivation |
MT1 | What's Your Pleasure? |
E.2. | Nutrition Topics |
| Cooking |
CK1 | Build a Better Recipe |
CK2 | How to Lower the Fat in Recipes |
CK3 | Add Flavor Without Fat |
| Fat Intake |
FT1 | The Big Picture on Fat |
| Shopping |
SH1 | Quick Guide to Low-Fat Shopping |
E.3. | Physical Activity |
| Barriers to Physical Activity |
BP1 | Beat the Heat |
BP2 | Keep Warm in the Cold |
| Benefits of Physical Activity |
BN2 | Menopause and Your Weight |
| Walking |
WK1 | How to Start Brisk Walking |
E.4. | Ethnic Versions |
EV1 | Pacific-Islanders |
EV2 | Mexican-Americans |
EV3 | American Indians |
EV4 | Southern-Soul |
EV5 | Asian Indians |
| Indian Food Guide Pyramid |
Appendix F | DPP Lifestyle Intervention Forms | |
F.1. | General Instructions |
F.2. | Code Book |
| New Codes Needed Form |
Appendix G: | Tool Box (Recommended Strategies to Promote Adherence to the Lifestyle Intervention) | |
G.1. | Introduction |
G.2. | Guidelines for Using the Tool Box |
G.3. | Formal Process for Monitoring and Supporting DPP Lifestyle Adherence |
Section 1 | Reinforcers |
| DPP Dollars |
| Example of a DPP Dollars Contract |
| Lotteries |
| Map of Miles |
| And Miles to Go Before I Sleep |
| Spell DPP |
| How Is the DPP Doing? |
| Exercise Scavenger Hunt from Pennington [Some materials not available] |
| Don't Let Our Success Slip Away |
| The DPP National Lottery Was a Success |
| The Gift That Gives [Articles not available] |
| The 10,000 Steps Campaign |
| Holiday Support 2000 |
| DPP Lifestyle Survival Skills |
| DPP Lifestyle World Series |
Section 2 | Problem Solving Tools |
| Problem Solving Tools for Attendance |
| Problem Solving Tools for Self-monitoring Food Intake and Weight |
| Problem Solving Tools for Weight Loss/Maintenance |
| Ultra Slim Fast [Manufacturer's materials not available] |
| Problem Solving Tools for Self-Monitoring Physical Activity |
| Problem Solving Tools for Physical Activity |
| Pedometers |
Section 3 | Ideas to Enrich the Lifestyle Intervention |
Research Group
Information for each clinical site and research core is listed under Research Group.
Program Staff Only: To access the research group website, please click here. | DPPOS Coordinating Center |
| Technical Support |