DPP/DPPOS has tried to make the study as transparent and accessible to the scientific and lay community as possible. DPP/DPPOS has provided for many years the protocols and lifestyle and medication intervention manuals to the public. In addition, PDF files of all published papers have been provided to PubMed Central.  Ancillary studies are also encouraged and will follow the DPP policies. Finally, our data set (phenotypic data and biologic samples) have been shared with the NIDDK Repository. Please go to the links below for more information.

The DPP data set and samples in the NIDDK Data Repository.
The DPPOS Phase 1, 2, and 3 data sets and samples are available in the NIDDK Data Repository
The DPP Genetics data set in the NCBI Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP).

Research Group
Information for each clinical site and research core is listed under Research Group.

Program Staff Only: To access the research group website, please click here.


DPPOS Coordinating Center
George Washington University Biostatistics Center
6110 Executive Blvd. Suite 750
Rockville, MD 20852


Technical Support
Please contact the DPPOS webmaster with any problems with login or accessing documents from the website.