Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group Policies


Publications And Presentations Policy

The DPP Research Group has a publications and presentations committee that maintains and ensures adherence to the policies. The Publications and Presentations Subcommittee (PPS) coordinates, monitors, reviews, and assumes responsibility for arranging the preparation of all study-wide communications (press releases, interviews, presentations, and publications) relating to the scientific aspects of the DPP. During the course of the DPP, there will be no publication or presentation of study plans or results which have not been reviewed and approved by a majority of the PPS, and for some types of communications, a majority of the Steering Committee.

Please email a copy of the proposal along with the Proposal Form to dppmail@bsc.gwu.edu


Ancillary Studies

Please contact the DPPOS Coordinating Center for more information or for proposal submissions. The Ancillary Studies Subcommittee will evaluate proposals for studies that involve DPPOS participants and that are not a part of the DPPOS protocol. These studies will in general, be done only on a subset of participants. However, studies that include all participants and studies that analyze DPPOS data in ways extracurricular to the Protocol must be submitted to the Ancillary Studies Subcommittee. Ancillary studies will have to obtain funding from outside the DPPOS.


Research Group
Information for each clinical site and research core is listed under Research Group.

Program Staff Only: To access the research group website, please click here.


DPPOS Coordinating Center
George Washington University Biostatistics Center
6110 Executive Blvd. Suite 750
Rockville, MD 20852


Technical Support
Please contact the DPPOS webmaster with any problems with login or accessing documents from the website.