Interested in Collaborating with DPPOS?

If you are an external investigator interested in collaborating with the DPP Research Group, there are three avenues for collaboration: Ancillary Studies, Substudies, or a Manuscript Proposal. Alternatively, the DPP and DPPOS data and biosamples are available from the NIDDK repository as described here, and the DPP Genetics data set is available in the NCBI Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP)

Ancillary studies and Substudies: The differences between an ancillary study and a substudy is described in the Ancillary Study Policies ( and below.

  • An ancillary study is defined as research or data collection involving study sites, participants or specimens, using any technique, medication, procedure, questionnaire or observation other than those set forth in the Protocol, and ancillary studies must be supported entirely by funding external to the main study, including support for the Coordinating Center as appropriate.
  • A substudy is a special category of an ancillary study that is conducted as a research initiative of the full DPPOS Research Group. Substudy funding will generally be provided by sources beyond the core funding of the DPPOS, although in some cases supplemental funding may be added to the core funding to support a substudy. 
  • Sometimes the research group may recommend that an ancillary study proposal become a substudy, if the project warrants adoption into the main DPPOS study. 

Manuscript Proposals: Manuscript proposals are an alternative way to collaborate with the DPP Research Group. While ideas may be generated outside of the research group, manuscript proposals must be submitted by a DPPOS investigator. For a list of DPPOS investigators, please see

Further details and information about submitting an Ancillary Study or a Manuscript Proposal can be found below. 

More information about DPP and DPPOS can be found in the protocols, which describe the background, design and organization of the studies. The protocol is maintained by the Coordinating Center (CoC) at the George Washington University Biostatistics Center. Current versions of the protocols are available at DPP Protocol and DPPOS Protocol.  Comments or questions regarding aspects of the DPP/DPPOS protocols, including distribution, should be directed to

Ancillary Studies

Ancillary studies offer the opportunity for maximizing the scientific impact and research benefits that can be derived from the resources developed during the course of the DPP and DPPOS. Investigators within and outside the DPPOS Study Group are encouraged to submit proposals for ancillary studies. Ancillary studies will be evaluated with careful consideration of their potential impact on the objectives and performance of the DPPOS. Ancillary studies that complement the objectives and thereby enhance the value of DPPOS are to be encouraged. Such studies should augment and promote the continued interest of both participants and investigators. To protect the integrity of the major DPPOS study, a proposal to conduct an ancillary study must be reviewed and approved by the Ancillary Studies Committee and the Steering Committee before its initiation. Investigators applying for use of biosamples will be required to first go to the NIDDK Repository-DPP or NIDDK Repository-DPPOS and determine whether the samples available at the repository will be adequate and are available for the proposed study. The Repository samples should be used if at all possible, and the use of remaining DPP and DPPOS samples only requested if this is not possible.

Please contact the DPPOS Coordinating Center for more information or for proposal submissions.

Documents for Prospective Researchers on Ancillary Studies Proposals:

The DPPOS Ancillary Studies Committee currently reviews ancillary studies three (3) times each year. 

Ancillary Studies Review Schedule

Proposals are due to the Ancillary Studies Committee by:

  • Dec 1 (for Feb deadline)
  • Apr 1 (for June deadline)
  • Aug 1 (for Oct deadline)

DPPOS Ancillary Study Application Materials

To review the DPPOS Ancillary Studies policies, please visit:

To view available DPP/DPPOS stored samples: Summary of Available Stored Samples

To view data collected during DPP/DPPOS: DPP/DPPOS Study Measurements

Click here to complete the Letter of Intent to be shared to the DPPOS Ancillary Study Committee, and if needed, the DPPOS Executive Committee. You will later be informed if your proposal was approved.

If the proposal is approved, then you will be sent information on how to complete a full ancillary study application. 

Any questions may be directed to Hanna Sherif at


DPPOS Publication Proposal Materials

To review the DPPOS Publications policies, please visit:

Submitting a Proposal

Proposals for DPP/DPPOS publications, abstracts or presentations must be reviewed and accepted by the DPPOS Publications and Presentations Subcommittee (PPS). 

Please email a copy of the proposal along with the Proposal Form to

New paper topics are introduced by any member of the research group. PPS meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Agendas are assembled on the Friday before the scheduled meeting so plan your submission accordingly.

Completed materials can be emailed to