The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and conducted at 27 centers nationwide, was a landmark trial to show that lifestyle changes or metformin can effectively delay diabetes in a diverse population of overweight or obese American adults at high risk of diabetes in the short term and long term compared to placebo. 

The public health implications of T2D and the high-risk state of Pre-DM cannot be over-stated, with estimated prevalence of ~25 and ~79 million, respectively. Type 2 diabetes is the main cause of kidney failure, limb amputations, and new onset blindness in adults and a major cause of heart disease and stroke. Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for up to 95 percent of all diabetes cases, becomes more common with increasing age. The prevalence of diagnosed diabetes has more than doubled in the last 30 years, due in large part to the upsurge in obesity.  

The goal of DPPOS was to study whether the relatively short-term benefits of delaying diabetes demonstrated in the DPP would translate into long-lasting impact. DPPOS had the following major goals, to determine the effect of DPP interventions on: 1) durability of T2D development; 2) early microvascular disease (nerve damage and kidney disease); and 3) atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease risk factors. 

As participants age, we have shifted our focus to age-related health problems such as trouble with physical function and difficulties with thinking or memory. Thus, the main goal of the current of DPPOS is to address one of the most important, complex questions in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (ADRD) research: What are the determinants and the nature of cognitive impairment among persons with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, who are a high-risk group for cognitive impairment and represent a large fraction of the United States population?

For protocol and more details, see About DPP and About DPPOS.  For clinical trials.gov information, go to the DPPDPPOS, and DPPOS-4 listings. For study questions, please contact the Coordinating Center here.

DPPOS Funding Termination

On March 10, 2025 we received notice of the immediate termination of the DPPOS grant. This action was part of a larger cut in federal grant funding to Columbia University, which administers the grant that supports DPPOS. DPPOS-4 is funded by NIH (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT05704309; NIA award number U19AG078558).

Letter from the DPPOS Study Chair (03/20/2025)

Join the Endocrine Society's campaign urge Congress to restore funding for the Diabetes Prevention Program

DPPOS Funding Termination in the News

Thank you

We thank our participants whose commitment and dedication continue to expand our knowledge of diabetes prevention! Your contributions carry on! 



The DPPOS Research Group has published over 200 manuscripts with funding support and scientific input from:




"If you're tipping over into diabetes, you're better off with diet and exercise than you are with medication." -Francis S. Collins, 2010



The biguanide class of antidiabetic drugs, which includes metformin, originates from the French lilac or goat's rue (Galega officinalis), a plant used in folk medicine for several centuries. 


Research Group
Information for each clinical site and research core is listed under Research Group.

Program Staff Only: To access the research group website, please click here.


DPPOS Coordinating Center
George Washington University Biostatistics Center
6110 Executive Blvd. Suite 750
Rockville, MD 20852


Technical Support
Please contact the DPPOS webmaster with any problems with login or accessing documents from the website.